Tuesday, October 15, 2024


All the latest journalism from the Rhodes TV3 class

RDP Housing Issues in Grahamstown

Posted under News

The Makana Municipality is accused of failing to assist members of Grahamstown east with housing problems caused by the heavy rains experienced last year. Michael Bhusakwe is a victim of Grahamstown’s infrastructural problems and Duduestsang Makuse reports on his situation.

Citizen journalist Cathy Gush tells her story

Posted under Interview, Wednesday

By Lisa Bluett, Sembene Hamilton & Ntombi Mlangeni Working with citizen journalist Cathy Gush was an enlightening experience. As a third year journalism student one has a tendency to take for granted just how much one has actually learned in three years, and communicating these abilities and skills to someone who hasn’t had the opportunity to study […]

Our “graduated” citizen journalist with a tight schedule!

Posted under Wednesday

It wasn\’t easy, but it was hope that pulled us through By: Bongeka Gumede and Nonceba Mhlauli Working with Andile Nayika was a challenging yet fulfilling and rewarding experience for us. He was eager to learn yet highly constrained by time and other commitments and this posed a great problem for us in the beginning. […]

Virtues of Life

Posted under Doccie, Featured, Personal Documentaries 2010, Thursday

Not many people get a stroke at a young age. Besides, few people know how to support people after a stroke. This personal documentary shows how friends have helped my brother recover physically as well as emotionally by using innovative ways-by Nicole Bloch

The Tale Of G-Town Water

Posted under Asides, Background, Doccie, Featured, Interview, News, Profile, Thursday, Uncategorized, Videos, Wednesday

There is nothing more disgusting then switching on the tap and some brown mud coughs out. Added to this is the fact that newspaper reports have gone out claiming deadly diseases and stating that Grahamstown water is not safe to drink. Well it is time to uncover the truth, so we went deep into the […]

Virtues of Life

Posted under Doccie, Featured, Personal Documentaries 2010, Thursday

Not many people get a stroke at a young age. Besides, few people know how to support people after a stroke. This personal documentary shows how friends have helped my brother recover physically as well as emotionally by using innovative ways-by Nicole Bloch

Personal Documentaries 2010
Personal Documentaries 2010

Reflections of Silence

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Personal Documentaries 2010

What is Home?

A documentary about what it’s like to have three different place you call home

Personal Documentaries 2010

Kingtits: A Wise Old Sage

A short personal documentary by Rogan Kerr; exploring the ups and downs in the life of a student and how it always helps to have a friend there to pick you up… And they don’t come much quirkier than Kingtits.

Personal Documentaries 2010


A personal documentary about the unexplored perceptual problems facing those in inter-nationality relationships, particularly in a highly volatile xenophobic climate that is South Africa at this time. This docci profiles two university students, a South African, the other Zimbabwean in a long-term relationship and uncovers the usually unsaid opinions each have of one another, and […]

Personal Documentaries 2010

I am not a mini Julius Malema

This documentary aims to show how not every member of the ANC or of the ANCYL is not the same, some of us do it because we want to bring about change within society and because of tenders and power.

Video Today

Raphael HIV testing and support CentreThe Raphael Centre located in Grahamstown, South Africa is a HIV/AIDS testing and support centre. Lately, though, this haven for people infected or affected by the virus has been rought by troubles. The future of the centre is uncertain as it needs sponsors to ensure it’s survival. Meanwhile other issues, like an objecting neighbour are also posing problems for the centre which helps over 1 000 people every month.
