Archive for the ‘Personal Documentaries 2010’ Category
Reflections of Silence
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Kingtits: A Wise Old Sage
A short personal documentary by Rogan Kerr; exploring the ups and downs in the life of a student and how it always helps to have a friend there to pick you up… And they don’t come much quirkier than Kingtits.
A personal documentary about the unexplored perceptual problems facing those in inter-nationality relationships, particularly in a highly volatile xenophobic climate that is South Africa at this time. This docci profiles two university students, a South African, the other Zimbabwean in a long-term relationship and uncovers the usually unsaid opinions each have of one another, and one another’s countries, based on their nationality.
I am not a mini Julius Malema
This documentary aims to show how not every member of the ANC or of the ANCYL is not the same, some of us do it because we want to bring about change within society and because of tenders and power.