Saturday, March 29, 2025


All the latest journalism from the Rhodes TV3 class

Archive for the ‘Interview’ Category

Citizen journalist Cathy Gush tells her story

Posted by Kyle On May - 16 - 2010

By Lisa Bluett, Sembene Hamilton & Ntombi Mlangeni

Working with citizen journalist Cathy Gush was an enlightening experience. As a third year journalism student one has a tendency to take for granted just how much one has actually learned in three years, and communicating these abilities and skills to someone who hasn’t had the opportunity to study journalism can be a harrowing and yet very rewarding experience.

We were lucky in that we met Cathy early on in the term, and from square one it was quite apparent that we had found ourselves a hard working citizen journalist. From day one she was highly enthusiastic about learning the skills required to produce multimedia mobile journalism. Before our initial meeting with Cathy, the group prepared a brief how-to-guide in terms of shooting visuals with one’s mobile phone. This was given to Cathy and she was given her first assignment, which was to produce a 15 second clip containing a striking visual which she was also then required to write a blurb for. This first story was completed by our citizen journalist without much hassle.

The second story proved to be a bit more of a challenge. The actual shooting of the footage was relatively easy but Cathy soon discovered the wonderful post-production process that is called editing. Editing is the biggest pain in a journalist’s proverbial you know what. It is a time consuming process, and when one is working with limited footage of a relatively poor quality (as is the case with most footage shot on mobile phones), finding usable and relevant bits of footage to use can become a nightmare. Add into these frustrations, the need to convert all of the media shot on the phone to a format compatible with windows movie maker, which meant downloading a freeware converter to convert .mp4 files to .avi files before the editing process could begin.

Eventually all the footage was chosen and then we had Cathy write the narration for the story and it was recorded in the radio studio. The next gremlin in our citizen journalist machine was trying to import the audio into movie maker. The audio was recorded and saved in .mp3 format but after numerous tries, windows movie maker kept crashing on us every time we tried to import the audio. We eventually discovered that another file conversion was needed and the .mp3 files were converted into .wav files, which movie maker then accepted. We then matched up our narration to our footage, cut and trimmed here and there and the final piece was exported.

Through this whole process, we believe Cathy learned a lot, and at the same time our skills as third year journalism students were reinforced. There were many minor challenges along the way, but nothing that was too difficult to overcome, and now at the end of the whole process, we have taught someone valuable journalistic skills which are self-sustainable and the ability to produce citizen journalism on a mobile phone is a tool Cathy will now carry with her for the rest of her life.

Getting the story

Getting the story

Working with Citizen journalist Pamela Zondani

Posted by Duduetsang On May - 15 - 2010

Woman to woman: Pamela telling Busi’s story

Working with Pamela Zondani was a very enriching and fun process. Not only did we get a chance to extend our knowledge of TV journalism but we got a chance to pass it onto her. We did not have many problems and for the most part it was smooth sailing. However as any other TV project there were some technical issues along the way. The first problem we encountered was when converting our 10 second video into a wmv from an avi so that we could upload it to the inetrnet. Decpite this we still managed to show Pamela how to do it properly. On the Filming side of the process the most frustrating problem was that of enough memory. Pamela constantly had a problem with memory on her phone. We did manage to solve this by getting her to bluetooth her sequences to either Dudu or me. All in all we were not faced with many problems and we found this experience an enjoyable one. We taught Pamela the basics of filmimg, editing and uploading onto the net and ventured of with her to film her stories.

Styling Rita

Posted by Push On May - 10 - 2010

A story of a Grahamstown hairdresser who survives the hardship of Ghana and now making a name for herself in the City of Saints.

Raphael HIV testing & support Centre

Posted by Tamsin On April - 29 - 2010

Raphael HIV testing and support CentreThe Raphael Centre located in Grahamstown, South Africa is a HIV/AIDS testing and support centre. Lately, though, this haven for people infected or affected by the virus has been rought by troubles. The future of the centre is uncertain as it needs sponsors to ensure it’s survival. Meanwhile other issues, like an objecting neighbour are also posing problems for the centre which helps over 1 000 people every month.

Life by Nina

Posted by Nicole On April - 29 - 2010

Guys as well as girls fall in love with her. This one of the most outspoken and talented students you will find in Grahamstown. Her passion is photography, but this time she is on the other side of the camera. Produced by Daniel Eslick, Rogan Kerr and Nicole Bloch.

Being A Police Woman

Posted by Duduetsang On April - 29 - 2010

A small glimpse into the life of a grahamstown Police woman: Inspector William’s as she shares some of her brave and heart rendering experiences. By ayushi Chabbra, Tamsin George and Viktoria Marinova.

Video Today

Raphael HIV testing and support CentreThe Raphael Centre located in Grahamstown, South Africa is a HIV/AIDS testing and support centre. Lately, though, this haven for people infected or affected by the virus has been rought by troubles. The future of the centre is uncertain as it needs sponsors to ensure it’s survival. Meanwhile other issues, like an objecting neighbour are also posing problems for the centre which helps over 1 000 people every month.
