This is a profile on Grahamstown Inspector Williams.She is passionate about her job and is proud to be one of the few female inspectors in the male dominated field.She has been successful in striking the right balance between home and work
Archive for the ‘Profile’ Category
The mARTin project
Martin Lund, a fourth year art student talks about what art means to him and how it can change the lives of young children in South Africa.
Devonia Hufkie: Citizen Journalist
When we met Devonia, we were very happy to see her! We had had some trouble with our original CJ due to communication problems. We were a bit stressed as we had very little time to do very much work. Luckily, Devonia was ready for action and jumped right into it. Working with Devonia was very easy because she was so willing to improve her journalistic skills. She tackled each project with dedication by spending alot of her time and patience on working with shooting video. Devonia did not have a cell-phone with a camera on it so one had to be arranged for her to use. This used up more valuable time and put us in a very sticky situation, regardless, Devonia never kept us waiting on a deadline or for a meeting. She was always on time and prepared with story ideas, feedback on her footage or some new route that the news stroy could take. She wanted to reprt on the youth of her residential area of Hoogeenoeg.
Her first task was to bring us a 10 second clip of absolutely anything (we did mention it would be to her advantage if there was something interesting happening in the shot). Devonia suprised us by arriving with a short clip of a young (underage) boy smoking and this included a brief interview with the boy about where he gets his money for cigarettes. We were impressed by this clip but even more impressed when she did not wait for our critisisms but rather told us. She pointed out that she had allowed shadow to fall on the subjects face and we could sense a strong irritation with herself at making this mistake. We reminded her that it’s all a part of the learning process and she has never repeated that mistake again.
The second task was to get a few different clips that could make up a longer, more well-rounded news story. Devonia decided that she would do this on underage drinking in Hoogeenoeg. However, the light of the night was not enough for her to capture anything on camera so she had to go to plan B: she completed the story of underage smokers by following them into the bushes where they hide from adults and smoke cigarettes. She captured them lighting up, smoking and putting their cigarettes out all the while asking them questions about their pre-mature habit.
Once we had looked at the footage, we placed it in order and showed Devonia how to edit it down using Windows Movie Maker. She cut her clips up and put them together in order and then she wrote down the narration that would put the news story into flow. We recorded this using a microphone plugged straight into the computer and applied it to the visuals. When it was done, Devonia was very happy with her end product and mentioned that she understood all the steps in the process and that she looks forward to creating news clips for Grocott’s online by herself. We look forward to seeing the work that she produces in the future!
Diseases that children smokers are at risk of contracting:
Comments on citizen journalism:
For more information click on the above links!
Working with Citizen journalist Pamela Zondani
Woman to woman: Pamela telling Busi’s story
Working with Pamela Zondani was a very enriching and fun process. Not only did we get a chance to extend our knowledge of TV journalism but we got a chance to pass it onto her. We did not have many problems and for the most part it was smooth sailing. However as any other TV project there were some technical issues along the way. The first problem we encountered was when converting our 10 second video into a wmv from an avi so that we could upload it to the inetrnet. Decpite this we still managed to show Pamela how to do it properly. On the Filming side of the process the most frustrating problem was that of enough memory. Pamela constantly had a problem with memory on her phone. We did manage to solve this by getting her to bluetooth her sequences to either Dudu or me. All in all we were not faced with many problems and we found this experience an enjoyable one. We taught Pamela the basics of filmimg, editing and uploading onto the net and ventured of with her to film her stories.
Life by Nina
Being A Police Woman
A small glimpse into the life of a grahamstown Police woman: Inspector William’s as she shares some of her brave and heart rendering experiences. By ayushi Chabbra, Tamsin George and Viktoria Marinova.