This documentary takes a look into my life growing up where I never had a father around as much as I would have liked. Together with the use of visuals of one of the hobbies we do togther this documentary takes you on a journey through the times when my dad was around and when he was not.
Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category
Double Identity
A documentary about the hardships of being a young mother. This is a story about a brave young women who decided to keep her baby regardless of the fact that she would only see her child once every two months. Her baby is her inspiration to complete her degree and make a success of her life.
Celebrate me, don’t crucify me
The Maestro!
Juan Munoz is a world-renowed violinst who currently lectures in the Rhodes University Music department. Munoz was born and educated in Chile, South America and decided to come to South Africa in search of adventure. His plan was to live in South Africa for two years but 20 years later he is still here. Munoz talks about his passion for music and life!
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Fire Department aids water shortage in Grahamstown
Water shortage has been a problem in Grahamstown for many months and little has been done to help the less privilage receive water . Zoli Sakata, a citizen journalist from Grocott’s Mail, reports on how the Grahamstown Fire Department as found a solution to the problem.
When Hunger Strikes
This is a profile which goes into the life of one of the Grahamstown Steers employees who is responsible for taking the many food orders that are made everyday.