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How To Dance : Durban Kwasa

Posted by Paddy On June - 5 - 2009

How Durban Kwasa came About

Kwassa kwassa (or kwasa kwasa) refers to a dance rhythm from Congo (DRC), where the hips move back and forth while the hands move to follow the hips – that was very popular in Africa in the late 1980s. The words “kwassa kwassa” may have come from the French quoi ça? (what is it?). The dance was created by Pepe Kalle, and popularized by his soukous music videos, as well as the videos of Kanda Bongo Man and other Congolese musicians.

Later, in other parts of Africa, the dance became a synonym for soukous music, which is still often referred to as kwassa kwassa. A slower version of this genre has been created and popularized by Koffi Olomide and his band Quarter Latin. Their songs have enjoyed massive airplay throughout Africa in countries like Botswana, Zimbabwe,South Africa, Senegal and others.

Now in South Africa there two driving forces :

Durban’s Finest  comprises of two of Durban’s most popular disc jockeys (deejay’s) Mthokozi Khathi  (1976 August 24) who is fondly known as DJ Tira and  DJ Sox whose real name is Mbusi Sokhela (1977 September 14)

Durbans Finest has just released Durbans Finest Vol2 – Finest Level which has been rated the best compilation to come since Fresh House Flava Vol4. It comes as no surprised as the album is co-produced by DJ Fresh. This album features 2005 Black Coffee remix of Stimela SaseZola by Mbongeni Ngema which the boys call Finest Train. Other Hot tracks on the album are Sphelele la performed by Durbans Finest featuring T’zozo En Professor produced by Mahoota. This album also show cased DJ Tira and DJ Sox producing skills with the tracks like the controversial Tiras Boot 2 by DJ Tira and Usenzani By DJ Sox. The album kicks off with sing along track My Story by Bonzai another locally produced track which makes all in all 5 locally produced tracks on the album. This album proves Durbans Finest continues to grow in the music industry and there is still a lot to come in the future.

How to do a card trick in style

Posted by Paddy On May - 29 - 2009

Ever wanted to impress your friends with a card trick?

Click here to find out how & you’ll be a pro in no time!



How to make Jello Shots

Posted by Paddy On May - 28 - 2009

Follow these easy steps and you could be making jello-shots at your next party!!!

Amasango Saves Street Kids

Posted by Paddy On May - 28 - 2009

The Department of Social Development has just released statics which show that more than 16 000 children have been abandoned and forced onto the streets in the Eastern Cape this year. For these children this means a life without shelter, education, emotional care and a perpetuating cycle of crime and violence. Local police reports also show that street kids are responsible for a large proportion of crime in the Grahamstown area. Amasango Career School is seen to provide a proactive solution in the community for this ongoing problem. Mahreen Chenia and Pual Harris reports

Local woman gives children a Place of Joy

Posted by Paddy On May - 27 - 2009

By: Tamzyn Degoumois, Roza Carvalho, Kyla Herrmannsen & Vuyolwethu Tshekela

Despite the fact that this week marked child protection week, many children are still suffering in South Africa. We travelled to Extension 9 in Grahamstown to see how one community member is making a difference in the face of insufficient government assistance.

Nomalungelo ‘Margaret’ Ngcongco cares for twelve foster-children in her home ‘the Place of Joy’ in Extension 9.  She is providing for these children without the full financial and other forms of assistance that she should be getting from the Department of Social Development. Many of the children also come from abusive homes and backgrounds of neglect and have not received any counselling from Social Workers.

 Margaret narrates one of her foster children’s stories, with pictures of her and her foster children.

Photos by Kirsty Harcourt-Cooke


Eight of the children have been assigned to Margaret by Social Services in Grahamstown, while the remaining four are children of relatives. According to the Children’s Amendment Act of 2007, the legal limit of foster-children permitted to the care of one guardian is six. The act also allows for a maximum of six grants of R680 per month per child. 

Grant problems

In accordance with the law Margaret does not receive foster grants for two of the eight children assigned by social services. Margaret says the six grants are “nothing, you can’t do nothing with R680. The most of the money I used my money”.  She says the grants are quickly used in paying for school fees, crèche, food and transport and she often has to rely on the kindness of local businesses.


Click here to listen to Jill White, Manager of Kwikspar, Grahamstown speak about her link to ‘House of Joy’ [podcast][/podcast]


Margaret also says that the Social Development Department does not provide the regular check –ups and reports on the children as required by the act. She says social services “dump the children on her like SPCA” with nothing “not even clothes”. The Department also do not give any extra assistance or counselling to Margaret despite the fact that at least one of the children is mute and four are HIV positive.

Response from Social Services

The Department of Social Development were unavailable for comment at the time of posting.

But Margaret is unfazed by the lack of support and financial assistance from the Department of Social Services. She describes her children’s home as “my vision and my ministry nobody pushed me to do this it just came inside my heart”.

Margaret’s story

Margaret began fostering children in 1994. She started by taking in an abandoned 3 day old baby girl. Since then Margaret has brought another eleven children into her house and has built what she calls “my family”. She adds that the children who stay with her are more like her grandchildren and that she cannot see them as orphans.

Margaret credits God for “giving me the strength” to do her work and provide for the children, saying that one has “to know God”. She also thanks her community for helping her fundraise and praying for her in Church.

 Despite her love for her children Margaret says she hopes that they will be re-united with their families so that she can take in and help others. She also hopes to expand to a larger property which would enable her to take in more children.


Margaret talks about her hopes to reintegrate these children and their families.                  [podcast][/podcast]

Margaret’s dedication and affection for her ‘children’ is self-evident and comes through in the way that she speaks about them.   


Grants made easy

Here is a three step guide to getting a grant. Click on "How to apply for a grant" for more detail.

Here is a three step guide to getting a grant. Click to enlarge.

Click here for detailed information on how to apply for a grant.


Umthathi gardens

Posted by Paddy On May - 27 - 2009

Children in the Eastern Cape are being forced to study on empty stomachs. But a new World Food Day Competition is hoping to provide the skills these schools need to produce their own food. Tamzyn Degoumois and Roza Carvalho dug in to see how this project is fertilising the soil of community nutrition at a local school.

Video Today

Raphael HIV testing and support CentreThe Raphael Centre located in Grahamstown, South Africa is a HIV/AIDS testing and support centre. Lately, though, this haven for people infected or affected by the virus has been rought by troubles. The future of the centre is uncertain as it needs sponsors to ensure it’s survival. Meanwhile other issues, like an objecting neighbour are also posing problems for the centre which helps over 1 000 people every month.
