Thursday, March 13, 2025


All the latest journalism from the Rhodes TV3 class

Archive for the ‘Videos’ Category

Stingy Servings Leave Students Hungry

Posted by Paddy On March - 26 - 2009

Laura and Mahreen investigate the new menu in dining halls that are leaving students hungry and dissatisfied.

GAP speaks out about elections

Posted by Paddy On March - 26 - 2009

Our reporter, Camalita Naicker speaks to Nyx McLean founder of GAP about elections, Zuma, Malema and COPE.

Feminist Blasts Zuma for Disregarding Women’s Rights

Posted by Paddy On March - 26 - 2009

Mahreen Chenia speaks to GAP’s, Deborah Robertson about the ANC’s failed attempts at creating awareness of Women’s rights, the upcoming elections and the future of South Africa in light of a Jacob Zuma presidency.

Obama vs Zuma, what could South Africa learn?

Posted by Paddy On March - 26 - 2009

Rhodes Journalist Laura W, spoke to third year exchange student, Jerica Rossi, about the recent elections in the United States. She was involved in various campaigns that encouraged youth participation in voting.

Digs Formals…

Posted by Paddy On March - 25 - 2009

An eyeopening investigation into a little known part of Rhodes culture. By Jess Levy and Roza Carvalho

Video Today

Raphael HIV testing and support CentreThe Raphael Centre located in Grahamstown, South Africa is a HIV/AIDS testing and support centre. Lately, though, this haven for people infected or affected by the virus has been rought by troubles. The future of the centre is uncertain as it needs sponsors to ensure it’s survival. Meanwhile other issues, like an objecting neighbour are also posing problems for the centre which helps over 1 000 people every month.
