Produced by Katherine Robinson and Madele’ Vermaak.
Blog Archives
Policing the Divide
Public journalism expects the media to highlight an agenda that is of direct concern to its residents/citizens. After speaking to some residents within our neighbourhood, we found out that one of the main problems was the breakdown in relations between the residents and the SAPS (the South African Police Services). This documentary illustrates the feelings/frustrations of both the police and the residents while offering advice on how both parties can mend their relationship and hopefully move forward together in an attempt to fight crime.
Child’s Play-Amnesty International
Amnesty International is a worldwide movement which campaigns internationally for human rights for all citizens. This public service announcement aims to fight and make people aware of the discrimination that is taking place in various societies. This PSA cleverly uses the symbolism of jelly babies to represent race and colour, while at the same time playing on the children’s preferences for which colour jelly babies they like as a form of inclusion (acceptance) and exclusion (discrimination). We must fight discrimination- it is not fair!!!
Alternative Academics
Rhodes University is immersed in a culture of drinking and partying. The stereotypical Rhodent often spends his or her time drinking their livers away and substituting beneficial academic time for regular ‘social’ time. Rhodes is stereotyped as the drinking university, and many people who fall into this trap fall behind in their studies and often find themselves looking for a new university at year end or repeating the same subjects for another year. We followed a bunch of guys who live up to this stereotype and wondered if it is at all possible to live this party animal lifestyle and actually get through university and obtain a degree.
Taverns of Tantyi
Children of the Soil
A documentary on the stereotypes around people seen to be ‘traditional’ and practicing their traditions in the ‘modern city’ spaces in South Africa.